Note: Before you go down this particular rabbit hole. Three words of advice. Firstly, even with all the CPU accelerators in place and as many […]
Ubuntu and Screen Resolutions
I recently had a need to install Ubuntu to a physical box (I know what a concept!) and I connect it remotely using VNC Viewer […]

Rockpools of ShadowXP
Well, I’ve just completed my first full week here at Droplet Computing – and I’m loving every moment. There are so many things I could blog about […]

Ubuntu Screen Sharing, Encryption Settings and a Masonary Drill
As part of my work at Droplet Computing, I need to test our software on 4 different platforms (Windows, Apple Mac, Unbuntu and RHEL… and […]
Hello Droplet Computing
Well, you might have noticed my last couple of blog posts have been about this company, Droplet Computing. I wondered if there was a bit […]
Droplet Computing: The Drip, Drip Effect
The last couple of weekends I’ve spent playing with Droplet Computing application containers solution. As ever getting “stick time” with any technology inevitably leads to […]
Droplet Computing Product Walk Thru: Not just another Droplet in the ocean
NOTE: Okay, I fess up that shameless nod to one of my favourite bands of the 80’s the indomitable “Echo and The Bunnymen” and their […]
Droplet Computing: Drops Some NewsLets
Disclaimer: I’m not paid or engaged by Droplet Computing. And I wasn’t offered any trinkets or inducements for writing this series of posts. I’m just […]
All Quiet on the Western Front
Well, I’ve pretty quiet on the blogging front I guess since VMworld. In case you don’t know I start a new role in May, 2018 […]
VMworld 2018: vSphere Platinum Edition; vSphere 6.7 U1 Features; VMWonAWS
In the second of my vExpert briefings with VMware – we focused on a new edition of vSphere dubbed “Premium”, and a drill-down into the […]