This week’s chinwaggie is Criag Water (@cswaters1). His day job is with Pure Storage, and he used to work for Nutnanix. Prior to switching to vendor-side, Virtualisation Architect and a Data Centre Specialist (Compute/Storage/Network) with over 16 years of experience in the ICT industry. Focusing on virtualisation, Craig has enabled his clients to gain business agility by reducing infrastructure complexity through aggressive virtualisation initiatives. Building on this technology foundation has allowed the implementation of business resilience programs incorporating full disaster recovery solutions. Craig Leads the Melbourne, Australia VMware User Group (VMUG) and is continually contributing to increase its user base.
In this chinwag we talk again about whether convergence/hyper-convergence is leading to similiar convergence in peoples IT skills, as well as talking about SSD is changing the way we do stuff in the datacenter. In the spirit of the new comms age where anything is possible – Craig called in on skype on his phone using 4G from down under with Sydney Opera House as his back-drop. Beat that!