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There’s a whole host much more polished videos than mine that are available here:

This blogpost talks about the configuration of the EVO:RAIL and shows describes the Initialize, Build, Configuration and Finalizing steps are like. The whole process if everything goes smoothly and peachy is around 15mins or less, that said some beta tester reported a smaller value. But heck, what’s a couple of minutes between friends. The whole thing is designed to be simple, and carried out by someone with minimal VMware knowledge. I’m going to talk about in detail the steps involved in my next blogpost. But for now might just want to watch this 8minute video I put together. I used the VMworld HOL lab to record this, so its an entirely nested configuration. The version of EVO:RAIL in this video is one that was provided to the HoL some weeks ago. Some fields in the Configuration steps will have changed, and some icons might be slightly different. So isn’t the actually GA build that customers will see – but its very close – and hope quickly gets the idea across. Once I have access to the GA build I will probably replace these videos with something more current.

The 4-step process which has been trimmed in the video did actually take exactly 15mins… The logon shows me using “root” as the account, in the real world this is more likely to be the administrator@vsphere.local account from SSO…

In the video you might see in the “Tasks” indicating a “disconnect”. These aren’t something to worry about, its basically when the operator (me) has refreshed or reloaded a page. That’s picked up by event logging as disconnect/reconnect. It’s actually quiet difficult to see the difference between a geninue disconnect, and one triggered by the user of the web-browser.

I also did a second video which demos the EVO:RAIL Management UI as well. The logon shows me using “root” as the account, in the real world this is more likely to be the administrator@vsphere.local account from SSO… or your AD Domain credentials if an administrator has completed the AD domain requirements for SSO and delegate privileages.