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Not content with attending the New England (NEVMUG), and I’m also off to the (NWVMUG). Actually, I’m not sure if that’s the official name, but it should be. With us at the event is Spencer Pitts who the EMEA Lead on end-user computing. I’ve worked indirectly with Spencer and his team down in Frimley – and they were VERY helpful in the process of reviewing the new “Building End-User Computing Solutions with VMware View” book (Yes, I know its a bit of mouthful, you could always use BEUCSWVV instead – snappy eh?). I hope by then to have a couple of copies of the book to give away as prizes…

The event kicks off at 1pm at:

The Co-operative Group
New Century House
Corporation Street
Manchester, UK M60 4ES
To register you need to click da link here…
Here’s the rough agenda of the day:
  • VMware Keynote – Spencer Pitts, VMware’s EMEA End User Computing Practice Lead
  • Technical Presentations and Updates from Trend Micro and Whiptail
  • VMware View Case Study
  • vNews from Matthew Steiner and Mike Laverick, Including a Review of VMworld San Francisco and a Look Forward to VMworld Barcelona
  • Raffle Drawing and vBeers in Lloyds Bar (Printworks) Following the Meeting