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I will be attending the Scottish VMUG on the 6th Sept in Glasgow. It’s been ages since I’ve been north of the board. But I do remember attending the first ever Scottish VMUG back when there was about 15 of us around the table. Of course since then its grown and grown in success and members. It’s part of a refocus for me for the 12 or so months. I’m redirecting my attention from speaking at events in the US whilst my VISA application process is in flight. Bizzarely the more time you spend in the US on business, the longer it takes for the application!

So on my list of events in Sept is both the Scottish and North-West England VMUGs, and I will be fanning out into EMEA as well, and possible the APAC region as well in the New Year…

Anyway, to practicalities the Scottish VMUG this quarter is in Glasgow. The event address is:

Teacher Building

14 St Enoch Square
Glasgow G1 4DB

To register you need head off over here

Proact are sponsoring the vBeers afterwards… and this is the agenda…

  • VMworld vNews – Special Guest Mike Laverick
  • Delivering Cloud using VMware and NetApp/Cisco Flexpods
  • Baillie Gifford & Co Presentation – Customer Case Study
  • Breakout Sessions: Trend Deep Security 8 with vShield 5 and NetApp Presentaion: OnTap 8 and vSphere Integration
  • Join us for vBeers Sponsored by Proact Following the Meeting!